If you haven’t been to a Daylight Music event yet, you should. It’s a daytime gig (between 12:00 and 2:30 in the afternoon) in a beautiful church with really lovely people who donate their time to make the music happen.
Piney will be doing a 10 minute mini-set to promote her song “Good Morning It’s Christmas” which will be included on the forthcoming Highline Christmas Compilation “Festivus.”
Get involved, the gig is FREE but there is a suggested £3.50 donation. Kids are welcome but not required.
Piney does a 10 minute mini-acoustic set @ Union Chapel – BAR
Every year The Arctic Circle does a very special variety-show type gig for their Christmas podcast; this year Piney will be joining in to do a couple of songs semi-acoustically to get in the festive spirit!
American Independence day special, led by the wonderful Piney Gir
Piney performs and curates Daylight Music for Midsummer Madness also featuring Oly Ralfe, She Choir, Premium Leisure… expect summer solstice celebrations, magic and witchcraft. Entry is pay-what-you-can; doors at noon. This is an all-ages show. https://www.facebook.com/events/1299090200242056/